Do you completely trust each other?
Summer: I do and I don't. I don't when he says something overly describe. I do because why not? In a relationship, its about trust. How could you not trust your partner that you are gonna live with. 
Robert: Hmm, I think this is quite a challenge to answer this and still everyone have access to read this. However here I go. Yes, I do. I am one of those super naive person that I would trust people when they say they need help. I would trust you even without knowing you. I would trust you until you break that trust. That is how I have always roll with. I told you Everything about me, My bad side, my bad things i have done in the past. I tell you everything about me because I trust that you. I can't Say I 100% trust you right now seemingly as everything just started. But you have My trust right now. I also trust that you will trust me back.

Which was the most romantic outing?
Summer: Starlight Cinema.
Robert: I believe it would be before we were together. We went out to watch a movie at an event by Samsung Starlight Cinema out in the open sky watching a movie World War Z. It was one of the most enjoyable night i ever had with her.

Does it bother you if your partner has friends of the opposite sex and why?
Summer: I do. I don't like he care others more than me and I hope I am the one he can tell everything to. 
Robert: personally I dont. Because i have always been around different type of people and different type of friends. Some friends hangout with all guys and some dont.  I believe that every girl have that one or two guy best friends that they even share the most kinkiest thoughts with them instead of their bf.

Have you seen each other at your best and worst?
Summer: I don't know how worst is his worst. But I like it when he speak anything that I don't know or guide me. I enjoy listening to other's experience and story. 
Robert: Honestly speaking I dont think i have seen her at her worst... almost every moment I see her even without her makeup or anything or her dressing up for a date she looks pretty, and cute and adorable... Even when she is angry i find it beautiful

Would you ever consider having an affair? Why? Why not?
Summer: This wouldn't happen to me. Unless he gone missing first.
Robert: Honestly I dont know why this questions is here but still.... I believe i wont. I told her this before, I love her. and I wont have these type of extra unnecessary thoughts. There is always a girl better looking, smarter, more sexier than her. but hey... what you go through with her is infinitely more worth it than finding the second or thrid one and the cycles keeps on rolling. 

When did you realize you had fallen in love, and how do you feel when you think about it?
Summer: I think I fall after the first date, he get super upset when something happen to his grandma, and this touches my heart. I feel that he is such a caring person where he love his grandma a lot. Same goes to his daddy, I feel that he love his dad a lot when I saw he post his status on facebook. Somebody who knows how to love. 
Robert: The first few outings together when we first met i didnt at all had any feelings. And most of the time feelings for the other happen over time... Something about her sparked something inside of me and i began to go explore it... as deeper as i go i realize i like her more and more her qualities. her Character the way she smile... everything about her started making me smile... then i realize... i think i fallen in love with her. I dont think about it i just feel it... like u feel hungry when ur hungry. 

Is there a secret you are keeping that if your partner knew, you feel you would lose them?
Summer: I do and maybe. Since it's a secret I wouldn't tell for now and I'll tell when it's the time. 
Robert: definitely no, I pretty much have told her everything about myself and she knows me better than i know myself.

Is your partner your best friend?
Summer: I think we are. I define best friend as best companion in life, when you need a friend is to do something crazy together and have some laughter. Besides, best friends is the one who can be always there for you when you are in trouble, I am definitely in. 
Robert: hmm.... not really I guess I dont exactly know how to define a best friend. I have one In the USA where we just hangout everyday as if we are soulmates but we are both guys we are legitly straight. is summer my best friends hmm still hard to say because we dont always do everything together. i guess to me a best friend is someone who is nearly always there for you even if u are fighting or having world war 10 but still will put down everything and still be your friend when you need them to. thats what friends are for, this saying.

How often do you laugh together?
Summer: I am a easy laughter, what ever he said even though it is lame, I still laugh. A man feel happy when he can make a girl laugh. True?
Robert: hmm i believe this should be asked how often do you cry together. after being with her for 2 months Plus I realize we cry together quite often I honestly am an emotional rollercoaster a lot of the time when i see her sad i become sad.... i only hold out for the first few conversation before i break into tears.... But back to the question yes we do laugh together often I think she even laughs at the lamest joke i dont even find funny but because she laughs so laugh together with her :D

How do you feel about your partner's views on finances?
Summer: It takes very long for me to answer this. I will update here when I got the answer.
Robert: hmm... this one is hard to answer... This really is a hard one.

Do you enjoy spending time with your partner's relatives? Friends?
Summer: I like to spend time with his friends and family. However, I need more time to get close with someone that I just met. 
Robert: I find all her relative to be quite interesting they like to laugh and make jokes or something funny. it really creates a fun atmosphere, but so far i only met the mother, sister, and her oldest aunt.

Do you feel you have made personal sacrifices for your relationship, and have they been reciprocated?
Summer: I think the only things I have sacrifices is my time and my feelings. I willing to spend my time with him no matter how tired am I, how sleepy am I. The reciprocation he made was he is willing to change. He is a type of person when I mention something he will keep in mind always. That is why I feel loved. 
Robert: Hmm of great sacrifices i guess yes because before i was together with her i didnt control much on my spending because well there is only one mouth to feed. But all in all i believe these sacrifices are good ones because it helps us grow as individuals. I believe she also sacrifice a lot of her own time to spend it with me. Love you Darling.

When you think of your partner, do you smile?
Summer: Hmmm, I hardly remember did this happen to me or not. There has been a long time I did not smile like this after something happen to me at the year of 2013. I think I enjoy the beautiful lies and the feeling of being pampered. 
Robert: yes I do. I believe some people ask me why are u smiling in the scariest way? and i was like... hahaha just laugh to myself in public and i get that feeling people are looking at me thinking "is he alright?"

Do you accept each other's belief system?
Summer: No. We always argue with each other just because of  we don't agree with each other. 
Robert: No, i believe we both seem to have different belief system. mainly because we were both brought up differently experience different things in life. I can learn to accept but i wont believe.

What is your happiest memory of your time together? Your worst? Are there more happy memories than the unhappy ones?
Robert: The Happiest time we had together for me has gotta be when we went to Redang together. it was that night when we were both just leaning on each other listening to music and also just staring into the sky like two people living in the romancism era. nothing was more perfect than sitting there thinking it was the most awesome time together and i hope it could last forever. the most unhappiest moments of our relationship so far is when we fight. i know there will be times when i believe she is wrong but i to wish one dahy that i am right .... however in a relationship nothing is certain and its about learning how to understand each others feelings and how to compromise in the relationships. 

Do you both talk on phone for long durations, nearly every day?
Robert: definitely no. We seldom would go on the phone unless there is those nights where i piss her off with my own problematic ego. i would then spend nearly 1 to 2 hours on the phone with her chatting none stop and we would both be crying on the phone most of the time... there are times when we are ehappy as well but thats pretty much what the questions is only asking. 

Do you feel as if you can communicate without saying a word?
Summer: Yes, but not now. Might be later in the future.
Robert: hmm... I dont think we are at that level yet as of Me updating this post 24/9/2014

Do you feel your relationship is a true partnership?
Robert: Honestly what the fuck is a true partner until today i believe i know a lot about how a partner should be. however there is this one scholar i look up to a lot his a philospher in ancient roman his name was socrates, and he said. "the more you think you know, is the more you dont know a damn." currently Summer is my best match and i always try my best to satisfy her and i believe she constantly try to impress me everyday even with the littlest things.

Are you satisfied with the intimacy you share?
Robert: definitely i do i love what we have and forever this will probably be one of the best relatinoship i have ever in my first 30 years of my life. 

Do either of you dredge up resentments in argument, and why have you struggled to let them go?
Robert: well fuck.... what kind of question is this..... why? its just simple. because we see farther than just now and more into the future. thats why i let go of the resentment we have in the past and keep on moving into the past. 

Are you excited about your future together?
Robert: definitely yes. we are looking to see there will be a new member in our lives.... hahahah i know what our thinking about... its not a baby its a dog... and im debating whether we should get a chow chow or a small little puppy. 

What do you wish to have with your partner in the future?
Robert: more and more and more and mor eSEX

Do you show your love for each other often, and if not, why?
Robert: hmm she seems to think that i dont. but for me.... i prove it by spending quality time with her. by always being there with her. and for the record i do love her every minute of my availble time.

How do you feel about the last, in-depth conversation you and your partner had?
Robert: it was agonizing we were both on each others throat like we are ready to kill but honestly it is also these type of conversations that create a stronger bond between each of us which is why i love to fight with her.  

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