Tuesday, September 23, 2014

当她成为你的 When She Becomes Yours




1. 当两人已有许多自己的笑话的时候,其他人都听不懂,只有两个傻子在一起笑。
2. 一整天都和她在一起,由起床到睡觉都在想着她。对她的感觉就是连其他的女生也不爱看了。
3. 对着她的傻傻得样子也觉得她比模特儿还要有吸引力。
4. 就算她不再你身旁,也能感觉得很靠近。
5. 当她在电话上说起某些话题,完全没有身体的触动,也能触动的到你的心。
6. 当你在完全最低落的时候,她的一些话能让你感觉到很舒服。 
7. 当你把最脆弱的一面打开了,她也完全不取笑你。
8. 当你意识到她的不完美和缺陷也可以很可爱有趣。
9. 当你和兄弟们在享受美好时光,你也希望她能成为其中一份子,就因为你也想把快乐时光和她一起分享。
10. 就连她唱歌很难听,你也依然爱听。


When someone become yours, there are no problems or arguments, there are only discussion. There is no need to explain the love, you just feel it. When someone become yours, their worries, sadness and happiness all become yours. When someone is yours, felt enjoyment when sharing the positive result of life. When there is no you and I, but us. We present ourselves to the world together and can never feel lonely ever again.

XOXO Summer

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