Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Think La!!!!

Sometimes im the one that have no clue what im doing...
however sometimes im also one of those people who knows what exactly im doing
of course taking into consideration the risk factors of my input i manage it.

however when it comes to investment i know what is great....

i know i seem like a dirt bag most of the time but i know for a fact that what i do means love and not just what the average person things it dirt bullshyt.

one man once said. "i just havent found the right woman to love me because they need to love me for the person i am and not the fantasy version of what they think a man should me like"

honestly i think it doesnt exist unless its inside of tv show or a movie.

everyone have a limit yes i know that but sometimes we just want to increase that and learn to tolerate the other person.

yup i seems like a dumb guy i seem like i dont know shyt but hey..... maybe i am!

i finally we are having a good debate and discussion going.... i want you to save your money and buy it because i believe saving money to buy the things you want will have more self satisfication then getting it for free....

so i planned out a good plan a type of investment plan just for YOU.

every penny you put into the bank you earn a 50% extra bonus....
so if you put in 100 u get an extra 50 and that toal amount up to 150.

if u have something in mind u want to buy.... u can get it for a lot shorter time and less money to save. because THIS INVEStMENT will help you reach your goal faster....

the point is not i am not chipping in to help u buy what u want, but its to let u save money so when u buy it u can say i saved up enough money to buy the shyt i want and have more feeling satisfication to what you have gotten with your hard earn money....

of course lets not say that there was an extera 50% chipped in from the investee.

but no..... this seems like the worst investment ever creatde and its totally not worth it....

if i know there was an investment where i just need to put in 1000 and get another extra 500 i would put in so much..... i would save in so much money because who the FUCK gives a 50% return on your total capital invested? not even the fucking banks do that.

so hey if you think this investment sucks then... well ur boyfriend seriously suck at coming up with insane terms .....

i getting access to the bank account have no meaning.... its only for me to see how much was deposit in each time so i know how much i on the other hand need to deposit in .....

fuck man now i want a boyfie that gives these type of condition of investment.
So yeah i suck.....
this is shyty opportunity. yup....

"whatever amount you deposit you get a bonus 50% extra" is a fucking scam!

Monday, December 8, 2014

143th days






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Why couples would tired from love...

1. Men need

a) To be understood
b) To be trust
c) To be support
d) To be agree with
e) To be respect

2. Women need

a) To feel secure
b) To feel romantic
c) To be pampered

3. Problems always happened in a relationship

a) Economical
b) Sexual
c) Communication

4. Do and Don't 

a) Notice your partner's changes
b) Being positive
c) Compliment your partner's good behavior
d) Don't complain
e) Don't blame
f) Don't misunderstood

5. Ways to get along with each other

a) Giving
b) Forgive
c) Understanding
d) Appreciate

6. Words 

a) I am sorry.
b) I trust you.
c) I am proud of you.
d) I love you.

7. Mutual needs

a) Mutual aims
b) Mutual living environment
c) Mutual thoughts
d) Mutual friends

XOXO Summer

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Friday, November 28, 2014

The 100th days

I remember we have been suffer for the past 3 months,
We do not know each other well enough at that moment.
However, on the forth month, I realize that I couldn't lose you anymore.
I didn't know I will fully fall this time.
I thought I could have hold back some love after being hurt so many times in the past relationship.
I realized that how much effort we both have put in for this relationship.
We cried, we argued.

Sometimes, I barely remember what have we done in the past. However, you never blame me for being this silly.
I remembered the moment I am drowning while I swim, you turned back.
I remembered the moment I am falling while I skate, you hold me.
I remembered the moment you appear in front of me by just a little bit of surprise could never win any gift from any other guys.

I asked, what is wrong with our first, second and third month anniversary.
However, I realized I did not give you neither surprise before nor a simple gift.
Sorry for being expecting too much from you, now I know to love somebody is not using my own ways to love, however, is to use the way they want to be loved.
No couples is born to be a perfect match. Do your "homework" on how to love, that is call effort. Don't be lazy, both of us are working hard on it. Gambateh everyone in the world.
I love you dear <3

XOXO Summer

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

If I never met you

Don't cry over someone that won't cry over you.

No guy is worth your tears and if you found the one that is, he won't make you cry.
Set it free, if something comes back , it is yours, if not it wasn't meant to be.

Some day you will cry for me like I cried for you.
Some day you will miss me like I missed you,
Some day you will need me when I need you,
Some day you will love me, but...........

Nothing lasts forever, I think that is the easiest lesson we all learn the hardest way.
Time will make me forget you, time will make you love me more than before.

If I never met you, I wouldn't like you.
If I don't like you, I wouldn't love you.
If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you.
But I did, I do and I will.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

My Take On What True Love Means

what true love means

So honestly, How many of you reading this right now Understand what the hell is True Love? Is it when you lover does everything in your life for you? Your Lover seems to understand your every needs? Or he got money and he is willing to buy you the moon...

Honestly... I am a guy and like all articles that talks about what guys think about love we think of it very simple...

1. you appear, i see the curves, i see the boobs i see the face, legs, and ass... if it all appeals to me your on my list.
2. then we go in for the fishing and figure out if this person love me for who i am or not... if not .... meh just move on....
3. then we do some test runs and see how they react to what we say and our action to see if its a keeper.

and there you have it the inside look on a guys head about what true love means...

Well i am here to tell you that the above is only one way of looking at it... and i honestly am a guy and i think like that.... but when shyt really goes down... you realize true love is actually made of up bullshyt excuse broken hearted people tried to make up. so other people will find it impossible to achive or find so they can feel their pain as well.

So What is true love for Dear Robert-san. :D

for me after i fell in love i realize that all my wishes of what love is is actually just a dream and a fantasy... if you cant wake up from your dream your relationship will eventually end.

For example if you start a relationship hoping your gf will look like celine dion, and have the same IQ of Hermainy your terribly wrong....or the guy who looks like captain america when he first came out of his capsule so many years ago.

the thing is "no one is perfect" and you need to understand that... once you do what you decide to do is what a responsible adult or teen will do. take necessary action to accept one another.

My gf is not 100% perfect I always look at her like a RAW diamond ready to be polished into a 24 carat diamond to be owned by me. hahaha :D

but before that happens i have to put up with her imperfection and her habbits which sometimes ticks me off a little... but as usually we all have that one thing our lover does that puts us on the edge sometimes and thats totally normal.

I used to think that our lover complete our life like the ying and yang symbol one half is missing when we are born on earth and its our destiny to go search and find the other half.... but once you find it you realize its not white or black like yourself.... its a different color and that changes everything.

Dont Base your relationship of a book, or an novel or a article that was written by another person who knows nothing about your personal life you've experience.

I seriously dont approve when people like to go google up what other people wrote about their own relationship and girls or guys like to base of that relationship as their own. Seriously everything your ead that doesnt apply to you directly its just a simple reference you can follow towards. not the exact same thing you NEED to follow to the "T".

What  you can do to think of your own is to seriously talk to the lover ask them what really ticks you off and work around it. find a the ying and yang balance in each others life.... if one weighs too much the balance will be broken. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What Women wants in a Relationship

Do you heard of 5 love language? I do not know until my boyfriend told me what it is. 5 Love languages including Quality of Time, Words of affirmation, Physical Touch, Acts of Service and Receiving Gifts. Everyone has different love language, so what do you crave for in your relationship? What love language does your partner speak? My boyfriend score highest on Quality of time and Physical Touch.  However, myself prefer Words of Affirmation the most. These 'love languages' apply to both sexes.

However, women do have some desire on these things too:

1. Quality of time

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Standing Theory | SS2 PJ

My sister is just soooooooo craving for waffles after her PT3 is done. So I promised her to bring her for waffles. Sunday 2nd of November, I google "waffles in PJ" it shows up Waffle World which is in One Utama which I have tried with my boyfriend previously. The waffles at waffle world is so awesome, it taste good with lots of egg. I can taste the egg in their waffles, that is why makes the waffle there so awesome.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

For you

I always wonder what to say to cheer you up
I am worried when you seem so sad
I wish I had super power to take you away from your bad feelings
I will always be here if you want to talk and we can go for a walk
Let me help you through whatever that happened
Always love you =D <3

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Padi House | Sri Petaling Kuala Lumpur

16th October Thursday, finished my class earlier. Boyfriend invited me to lunch with him. Since he is rushing to work later at 2pm, then we just go to some place nearby which is Sri Petaling to have our lunch. He asked me for suggestion. Person like me sometimes may feel lazy to decide something. His turn to make decision xD If me its gonna be chinese cuisine. Lunch at Sri Petaling is abit of headache to get a parking, and The Store is closed for renovation made us cant even park inside there. After a while, he decided to bring me to Padi House. It is an Asia fusion restaurant which provide pastas, rice dishes, cakes, coffee and more. 

That day was heaty even though there are many fans. There are numbers choices on the cakes available. The speed of their serving is quite fast. We did not wait for too long for our dishes to land on our table. However, honestly, I personally don't like how their waitress is trained, it was fine if you don't expect too much from the service because they only charge you 5% for service tax comparing to other restaurant  was 10%. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

A Pie Thing: 3.1415926536 | Damansara Utama

It is just another day I had like any other day. Like any other day I woke up I did the usual chores, working routine. However today I ended up opening my facebook to check it like any other day, Scrolling it down while I was at work. I was almost nearly starving already during lunch break. Right before I head for my lunch break I saw on my facebook newsfeed, A mashed potato green topping gravy thing. I clicked into it to checked it out and there it is my next food date with my love. A Pie Thing.

As soon As I realize I have passed by this place several time on my date with my love Only knew  "oh thats the place i saw on fb the other day" I decided to go for it and give A Pie Thing a try for my luck since its also been a while since i went out on a food adventure with her.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014



1. 爽快承认做错了

认错不代表输哦。当世界只有两个人的时候, 何必在乎自尊心呢?就说声“我错了。。” 问题就解决了嘛~

2. 时间不要拖太长

当吵架时间一长, 会让人开始沉思这段感情,想着他真的适合我吗?是我要找的那个人吗?重新确认这份感情的意义,所以时间拖越久越难回到以前甜蜜的感觉。 

3. 约出来, 当面说开来


4. 准备小礼物


5. 微微的肢体接触


6. 假装认输




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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The 5 Reason Women Love And Deserve Flowers

The 5 Reasons Women Love And Deserve Flowers Even If They Die Anyway

Plenty of guys exist who need some Valentine's schooling, it's necessary to go over the reasons women like flowers.

And guys, don't try to fool yourselves into believing we don't really like flowers, since they die anyway and all. We like them despite that, trust me. Some of us may drop hints that allude to gifts being no huge deal, but here's a tip: the hints are an act. We care.

Yes, we do like to be spoiled sometimes and no. the gift don't always need to be tangible. But seriously, aside from the I-don't-need-these-things-to-feel-beautiful women, one cannot deny the role that flowers play in the picture. Here's why:

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It's hard to trust you when I'm still hurt from the last time you let me drown

Sometimes, people break up for a reason. Often it has to do with lack of trust. The undeniable truth is, we all have a reasons why not to trust. What I mean by this is that we have all felt hurt and disappointed. We all have suffered in some ways, and we all have felt pain in relationships.

Is this an impossible task asking someone to earn our trust by asking them not to cause us to feel uncomfortable feelings? In fact, you probably can guarantee is that you will feel hurt sometimes by the people you love. Fear make us do some crazy sh*t. It's unfortunate but true.

I hope I can tell myself "I know that deep down you are a good person with good intentions". We wish those things had never happened and I'm really struggling with trying to forget, get past this... ...

by Summer...

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Monday, September 29, 2014

Is a broken heart the best thing that ever happened to you??

If there were no heartbreak, some of the greatest songs ever written might not even exist. No matter who you are, heartbreak is the reality.

Sometimes, you will be thankful to that certain people when you look back. The opportunities and things were removed from your life and you would never found yourself until you lost them. Sometimes, we get to caught up worrying about what we lost, rather than realizing what we are gaining in absence.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Big Tree Pan Mee @ Sungai Way | 大树头板面

Hmm I suddenly cant remember too much about which morning this is right now. Thing have been quite hectic with my life, My dad is in the hospital so a good old fashion bowl of pan mee will probably have to work some magic for me.

According to her big tree pan mee is suppose to be a well known pan mee around the area lah. We had breakfast together here...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

IKEA shopping

Yesterday, we went to IKEA for shopping. Need to get an armchair to put at Robert's house. 

IKEA Shopping tips: Don't park your car at Curve or other places...Just park at Ikea car park~~ Else you need to carry your item all the way to another car park -.- That was silly enough till we done this yesterday.  

Have you ever heard of IKEA curry puff? Yesterday was the first time I try the curry puff in IKEA.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014




当她成为你的 When She Becomes Yours




Friday, September 19, 2014

Cherishing The Moment

Hey guys Robert here bring you another post :D
as happy as a relationship maybe, but the truth is there will always be conflick. Heck until today i even have conflict between my mom and sister. Honestly to me, i find this very normal and nothing wrong about. That is exactly how person will grow up and learn to live among one another of different race, skin, character...etc.

I remember a friend of mine once told me when i ask her "your relationship is so awesome i admired you guys so much" however,

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ladies & Men can NEVER just be friend

So... I am blogging again ~~!!!What I do on my free time is to blog or when I am on bad mood =) Talking to myself is the best way to cure maybe? or maybe not... 

Disclaimer: This post is not related with my relationship.

Today's post is about ladies and men can NEVER just be friend. Wonderful male friend who offers you a shoulder to cry or company when you can't get accompany, if a man said they absolutely no sexual interest in you, that man probably is a liar. I did told my boyfriend about this. However, he do not agree with this statement.  I asked my boyfriend make sure he don't do anything to me till I need to cry on other's man shoulder. 

 Guy always have fantasy on their female friends.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How strong is your relationship?

Do you realize that,that feeling of love is always sweet at the beginning of every relationship. Always feel that you finally are not alone, one more person to share with, and at least someone is thinking of you, loving you. No matter in what kind of situation, as long as together, that is good. 

However, slowly, we get to know each other better, we started to know each other weaknesses, problems keep on popping up. That feeling of annoyed, tired or the worst is thought of giving up the relationship. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

20 Facts about Summer

I ask my boyfriend to record a 20 facts about us video. Since he don't wanna do it, I am not going to do it too, unless my sister wanna do it with me =D hahaha, I don't like to do things alone. <<< One of the fact of me. 

Here it goes. 

1. Afraid of cockroach and ghost.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A MerDeKa Holiday!

Woohoo!!! it is a holiday and today's plan is to head up to Genting Highland to breath in some "fresh" air and enjoy the cooling breeze. It was the first time I drove up there and I was honestly excited as well as nervous a bit, mainly because of all the dangerous and scary things that happen and all the accidents. However, I know if I were to drive carefully and SUPER slow up and down We should be fine. 

In the Morning of our Journey Up!

On our way up We really really really thought we went the wrong way because it was the first time I am driving up Genting Highland. Luckily I took the same road outstation to Fraser Hill before so I sort of know the road bit lah.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Bon Odori Publika 060914

Bon Odori is a traditional summer festival of japanese which they honor their ancestors who have passed on, remember and appreciate all their ancestor have done for them. Bon Odori also known as Obon. This event held at Publika start from 4pm to 10pm. We reached there around 9pm, abit too late. 

The main activity is people dancing and the japanese traditional song to liven up the event. People just join the circle and dancing around the stage. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Little about Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie | Kuala Lumpur

31st of August, I requested my boyfriend to bring me over to this famous bakery located in KL. A warm and lovely French style bakery. The name Levain meaning of traditional French bread. And there is another meaning which is wild yeast in french. 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

300814 Aggravating?

Every relationship goes through stages. Where and how each stage develops is ultimately up to each person. While we always hope for the best, we often can't avoid the inevitable.

Today working at aunt's florist. Such a tiring day. Was not free to check my message that frequent. 

My boyfriend text me that he is coming over to look for me. I was feeling happy that when he is free, I am on his mind at his first thought. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Getaway to Redang Island Malaysia 220814

Hey all! After 1 month with "him", we went to Redang Island with a bunch of them. It was a pretty short trip I would say, a 3 days 2 nights trip. Here is the short video of the entire trip. For me, I think video recording is better way of capture all the precious moment that we had. Instead of pictures, we basically forgot what is exactly happened during the trip.

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